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Antminer universal chip fixture test fixture

* The actual quotation price may vary according to the market. Display price for reference only. 


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Antminer chips fixture / Antminer test fixture / hashboard tester / Multifunctional test fixture

This Antminer universal test fixture use to test the hash board ASIC chip status on the Antminer S19 S19pro S17+ S17e S17 T17+ T17e T17 S15 T15 S11 S9se S9k S9j S9i S9 T9+ T9 Z9 Z9mini Z15 S17Pro S19i S19+ T19 S19j S19jPro S19a S19XP D7 L7 to help us find which exactly chip damaged, help us to replacement and easily to repair hash board.
Sell high-quality Antminer universal hash board test fixtures.
  1.  High-quality and professional use;
  2.  It can quickly locate the faulty chip;
  3.  Accurate and efficient, greatly reducing the inspection time;
  4.  The Antminer test fixture is a necessary toolkit for repairing miners.
This Antminer test fixture / chips fixture supporting Antminer hash boards repair:
S19 S19pro S17+ S17e S17 T17+ T17e T17 S15 T15 S11 S9se S9k S9j S9i S9 T9+ T9 Z9 Z9mini Z15 S17Pro S19i S19+ T19 S19j S19jPro S19a S19XP D7 L7 etc…
Attention please: the test fixtures sent by us by default are not coated with insulating paint. Please do not touch the powering unit with bare hands during the use of this product. Once touched, static electricity will be generated and the CPU will overheat and cannot be used. Apply insulating paint to the powering area, or wear electrostatic gloves before using this product.  
  More convenient to use and more stable performance. An essential tool for quickly repairing hash boards.
When submitting the order, please inform the salesperson which type of TF card (test data card) you need. If the model is not specified, we will send S17 test TF card by default, and you can replace the required model test card in the future.
  Connection port diagram (similar to the previous generation):
  ① TF card interface
  ② Ring 12V power interface
  ③ Test data line interface
  ④ Voltage regulation line interface (used when testing combined miners)
  ⑤ USB—TTL interface
  ⑥ 12V miner power connector  

                                               Antminer universal chip fixture test fixture (4)

  Please note: 
  Due to different production batches, some circuit boards do not have a 3-pin connector, so you need to solder the USB to TTL cable directly on the circuit board. In order to avoid the cable being torn during customs inspection, the default In this case, the cables are not welded. Customers should self-welding them after receiving the test fixture.
  Line order:
  Red = not connected.
Carrying accessories:
  ① USB — TTL Converter
  ② TF program card (the default is S17)
  ③ Power Adapter(Not applicable for combined miner testing)
  ④ Power supply voltage adjustment line
  ⑤ Test data cable  
  Antminer universal chip fixture test fixture (3)

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